Yale Study - COVID-19 and Your Indoor Air Quality

COVID-19 and Indoor Air Quality
COVID-19 and Indoor Air Quality

Yale Study finds that COVID-19 may be controlled indoors with good indoor air quality.

During this difficult time where most of us are self-isolating and staying at home, the health of our home and the quality of the air we breathe is of utmost importance.

Dr Meredith McCormack of the America Lung Association and associate professor of pulmonary and critical care at Johns Hopkins University stated on March 27, 2020, as printed in the New York Times, “increased pollution increases susceptibility to infection”, “…a person exposed to air pollution would likely have a worse outcome if they were exposed to coronavirus”. She added, “now that many of us are cooped up at home, indoor air quality is even more important”.

Numerous studies suggest that poor air quality, and this includes indoor air quality, may deplete the immune system and leave occupants more susceptible to a viral infection and more severe health symptoms. So individuals with Asthma, COPD, other respiratory issues and lung conditions or even seasonal allergies could be at higher risk.

Proper indoor air quality with adequate ventilation as well as good air filtration is now more important than ever.

Indoor Relative Humidity that is Too Low or Too High May Support Viral Spread.

Medical News Today just published a clinical study that suggests ideal indoor air quality relative humidity settings should be between 40-60%RH to control the viral spread of viruses and possibly coronavirus as well. Studies find that low relative humidity may aid viruses in staying alive on surfaces and in the air longer. The study also suggest that high humidity may cause similar results.

While this is easily controlled indoors in winter with proper humidity settings on a central or portable humidifier, this will create a challenge in upcoming summer months with high outdoor humidity. Toronto and Southern Ontario tend to see elevated humidity outdoors from early May to end of October. Outdoor humidity affects indoor humidity.

Properly functioning air conditioning systems will play a crucial role in the indoor air quality of your home. Air conditioning systems dehumidify the air as they keep the temperature cool and comfortable. Now is the time to check your AC system.

Airflow and Ventilation Seem To Play Role In Respiratory Virus Infectivity And Transmission.

The U.S. National Centre for Biotechnology Information published an excerpt of a study by Schulman and Kilbourne concluding that poor ventilation and elevated Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in indoor environments could increase transmission of respiratory viruses. 

Respiratory viruses such as SARS and possibly COVID-19 could follow similar patterns.
In most cases, the indoor air quality of your home is important in the overall health of its occupants. Today, this not only poses the usual health issues from poor ventilation and poor air filtration, but scientist believe that this may be an important factor in helping to control the viral spread and possibly the impact of the coronavirus as well.

Verify Air Quality Test has been designated as an essential business during this difficult time. We have several non-contact options to perform safe indoor air quality testing in your home. We can then provide you with concrete solutions on how to protect you and your family. Good indoor air quality is in everyone's’ interest while we all spend most of our time at home and indoors.

Our Indoor Air Quality Test includes:

  • Temperature and Relative Humidity indoors
  • Overall ventilation to ensure adequate fresh air including CO and CO2.
  • Airborne chemicals such as VOC’s and formaldehyde
  • Determination if you have adequate air filtration for airborne particles and potential allergens such as bacteria, viruses, mould spores through laser particle counter.
  • Specific laboratory analysis for airborne bacteria and mould available.

All of our indoor air quality assessments include an easy to understand but the detailed written report that explains if you need to improve your ventilation, if you have the proper air filtration system and relative humidity settings to ensure proper indoor air quality. We will also provide information on airborne VOC’s and formaldehyde which can be a source from certain household cleaners. While we are disinfecting more, let's make sure it doesn't affect the indoor air quality.

Should you have indoor air quality issues and need air purifiers or ventilation systems, we can help you make the right choice and recommend brand names and model numbers for equipment that actually works. We only recommend products that we have tested ourselves.

Call us today, we can help you protect the health of your family and provide indoor air quality test toronto.


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