Should You Turn Down The Furnace When Leaving Your Home…Or Not?
In many GTA homes, this could be dinner conversation or the source of some heated disagreements. Should you turn down the heat when you leave the home or keep the furnace running as usual when you’re home? There could be several reasons for turning down the furnace or heat in your home during the day, especially if no one is going to be home. There could be energy savings reasons and environmentally friendly intent, budgetary constraints and the need or desire to save money, as well as well meaning indoor air quality reasons and the belief that a cooler home is better for mould growth prevention. However, with these good intentions you may actually be harming your indoor environment and causing poor indoor air quality with fluctuating temperatures. Here is a list of problems associated with turning down the furnace for a few hours or even a few days when no one is home. Top 5 Reasons not to turn down the Heat when you leave the house: If it gets too cold, plumbing pipes could fre...
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