What are Winter Allergies? Only enough they are allergic reactions to spending too much time indoors in winter months. Winter Allergies can have a significant effect on your health, short term as well as long term. Winter Allergies can also impact the enjoyment of your home and relationships.
Winter Allergies can come from a variety of indoor sources and can have a variety or degrees of effect on people’s health. Air quality testing our homes to prevent Winter Allergies is key to keeping our families healthy.
Top 5 Sources Of Winter Allergies:
- Dust
- Mould
- Carbon Dioxide
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s)
- Bacteria
Dust: Indoor or household dust can contain numerous allergic triggers. Indoor dust is composed of skin cells, fabric fibres, pet dander, pet hair, rodent droppings, human hair, insulation materials, fragments of drywall dust, wood dust, asbestos, mould fragments, bacteria and viruses.
Mould Growth: Indoor mould growth can produce thousands to hundreds of thousands of mould spores and yeasts into the breathable air. Most mould issues are hidden and can impact the indoor air quality for decades until the source is found.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Occupants of the home produce CO2 when they breathe. It is a direct indicator of how well a home breathes, exchanges air with the outdoor environment and how much fresh air and oxygen is coming into the home. Elevated or high CO2 levels can lead to headaches, insomnia, sinus and respiratory issues
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s): These are produced by almost anything in the home. Many paints, finishes, adhesives, perfumes, colognes, cleaning agents, candles, press board or glued furniture, or man made items can have VOC’s. These can emit a slight scent or can be very noticeable. Some are considered a nuisance where other chemical components can be extremely toxic.
Bacteria: Bacteria is part of our natural outdoor and indoor environment. Bacteria can protect us from more aggressive and pathogenic bacteria and should be treated with respect. It is understandable that these days we want to disinfect our hands and surfaces to keep our family safe. However, while killing all bacteria, we should be careful to make sure that the ‘good bacteria’ or probiotics can quickly resume protecting our homes and our bodies. Bacteria such as E.coli or Staphylococcus is not something we want in our homes.
Indoor Air Quality testing can uncover winter allergy threats in our indoor environment and help keep our families safe this winter.
A proper indoor air quality test can provide you with important information on whether your home has a dust issues, hidden mould growth, a ventilation problem leading to a CO2 issue and if VOC’s and bacteria are an issue. Indoor air quality testing is like a physical for your home. The sooner you find out what your indoor air quality & mold testing Oakville , the sooner you can address them and prevent winter allergies this year. 2021 is just around the corner. make sure your home is a healthy home this winter and prevent winter allergies with a proper indoor air quality assessment.
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