Did You Know Insomnia Can Be Due To Your Indoor Air Quality?
Did You Know Insomnia Can Be Due To Your Indoor Air Quality?
Many of us have occasional nights where we either don’t sleep well or don’t sleep at all. This can either be due to having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or even in the worst case scenario sleeping very little or not at all. We need a proper sleep in order to feel rested, let our bodies regenerate and to be able to function both physically and cognitively the next day. A poor night’s sleep can rob us of our health, energy and performance at pretty much anything we do the next day. But did you know that the quality of your indoor air quality can have a major role to play in how well you sleep? Insomnia can be due to poor indoor air quality.
In fact, ASHRAE which is the leading body in indoor air quality published an article on poor indoor air quality and insomnia https://www.ashrae.org/news/ashraejournal/using-indoor-air-quality-tactics-to-sleep-better-at-night-perform-well-the-next-day
It actually makes perfect sense. If your indoor air quality is not supporting your health, then you may be suffering from negative health reactions as well as possible allergic reactions and eventually more serious health issues and diseases. If your don’t feel well, you don’t perform well. If you’re not healthy then you don’t sleep well.
However, there are a few other indoor air quality issues that have an even more direct effect on sleep and can cause insomnia.
Top 3 Indoor Air Quality Issues Leading To Insomnia:
- Elevated Carbon Dioxide or CO2 levels due to poor ventilation. This can leading to breathing issues due to a lack of oxygen. Poor breathing can lead to COPD as well as sleep apnea which will keep you up at night and cause insomnia.
- Elevated fine dust levels due to poor air purification. This can lead to sin and respiratory distress which will also keep you up at night.
- Elevated VOC levels or Volatile Organic Compounds. These can come from adhesives, paint or any combination of building materials and contents inside a home. VOC’s can also cause skit irritation, sinus inflammation and breathing difficulties and will definitely impact the quality of your sleep.
There are also other factors of indoor air quality or the quality of the indoor environment that can affect sleep:
- Temperature can affect overall comfort and therefore also sleep
- Relative humidity also affect the feeling of temperature and comfort. Humidity can make it seem hotter or damper and colder especially in bedrooms.
- Noise can also affect sleep for obvious reasons.
- Light is also a factor. Bedrooms should be comfortable, quiet and dark.
An Indoor Air Quality Assessment can determine if you have good indoor air quality or poor indoor air quality. Verify indoor air quality has indoor air quality testing services in the Toronto and GTHA area that can help you improve the indoor air quality of your home. Better indoor air quality can help you sleep better and live a healthier life.
Call Us Today for an indoor air quality testing Toronto .
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